
Sunday, February 27, 2005

Website Update

I decided to get the temporary web server working today.

So i grabbed a Pentium 3 500Mhz that i'd built for someone and they ended up buying another computer while using this one and returned it to me....after a good bit of time trying to get it to work i gave up on it and grabbed what was going to be the case for the dual p2 450, threw in the p3 based mobo i just got from the donation upgrade i did on a friend of family's computer and put the p3 500 in that one, becuase it has the 512k of cache, the p3 600 that came with the board only has 256k... wanted the 512k....

So i finally get this one up and running, turned out a stick of ram was bad :-/ and it boots the os, turns out it's previous install of gentoo (i was kinda partial to putting gentoo on here to begin with anyway) So now i just have to set it up to be the new webserver :)

Pentium 3 500Mhz 512k cache
192MB ram
5.1Gb hard drive
200watt powersupply
basic S3 video card
3Com PCI 10/100 NIC
8x HP CD-RW (it was already in the case, not gonna screw with it) (pun intended)
zip 100 drive (not utilized)
and no X server, gonna try and keep it command line :)

Thursday, February 24, 2005

Figured It Out

Well, i was sitting in the parking lot of the company that put my taxes through to the IRS and i realized exactly who deserves my bitterness and annoyance, and general "insert stress relief scream here".

The inssurance companies for being blood thirsty leeches. The United States government for not only taxes me into the poor house, but then using the money i and other americans pay on things that they have no business spending money on and don't represent the general consensus of the people that are supplying them with this money. I also blame "W" Bush for being a general (insert a lot of mean and nasty curse words and not nice things here). I blame his parent's for that night when they decided to procreate and pass on their genes. I blame England and the Protestants for the founding of America in the first place. I blame Columbus for being a typical guy and not stopping to ask for directions, nor even checking the GPS every once and awhile. I blame the vikings for not settling the this part of the world when they discovered. I blame Adam for listening to a woman, we all know that they will only get you in trouble, especially when it concerns fresh fruit.

Update: my tax return situation, for those who care, and those who don't but can't stop reading after the above paragraph. I worked three jobs this year, a local supermarket for 3 months, a City Hall doing computer work for about 8 months, and a local computer consulting business for the rest of the year, one month of that was "contract off the payroll work", claimed as a 10-99 for those who understand or care or both. I got back $209 Federal, and $23 state, and I owe $280 for the 10-99 claim. Last year, for working at the aforementioned supermarket all year, i got back enough to buy an $800 laptop without having to put too much else in. Go Figure.

I also blame my general bad luck in life (don't you dare try to argue with me on this one!) and I blame Volkswagen for making a budget family car that requires work to be done on it after only 30 some odd years in service. I blame Ford for making a truck with inadequate back alarm and mirror systems. I blame Chrysler for making a mini-van made so cheaply that a slight bump from the aforementioned truck would tear a hole in it's "safer then ever" bumper that costs more to fix then it cost to fix my little "tin can" "well that's totaled!" Beetle that rolled over into a ditch and had bent body panels everywhere ($100 to fix pre-paint)

Wednesday, February 23, 2005


My neighbor stopped by last night. He had a quote from the local auto dealer. It's like $600 something. I have to pay for it myself becuase it would be even more expensive to go through the insurrance company on this one. So there goes the tax return for this year.

Funny thing is, I'm extremely bitter about the whole thing, but i have no one to aim the bitterness at. No one i can blame. It's not the truck's fault, nor the van's nor my neighbor's for parking it in a bad spot, nor mine since it *was* an accident. So right now i just have a lot of bitterness hanging in the air.
Night folks :)

Monday, February 21, 2005


Teela went to the vet today...get sewed up and such...no more whoring the streets and all.
So she couldn't eat from like 8:00 on. So both of them got a crapload of food around 4:00 and i went back to work (yeah a sunday) (getting 3 computers ready for delivery next day). So I got home about 2:00, stuffed Teela into her cage, left a note on the door for my mom becuase i wasn't waking up at 6:30. Did wake up at 11:00...left for work (gah to boss!) at 3:00 and took Rocky along becuase he looked utterly lonely. So we hung out at work for like an hour while i finished some things up, then I dropped rocky off at my parent's house so he could visit with the others...who all hated him and he hated them. :(

Turns out Teela had kids, and had an abortion, and staples so she'll be stuck the cage or something for like 7 days and no excitement. And i'm being bugged by mom to go becuase Rocky is pissing Georgie off :( Night.

Sunday, February 20, 2005

The Signing of the Squirrel/Penguin Alliance


Saturday, February 19, 2005



I just registered fadumpt.net over the weekend. Currently there is only an icky starter page that they provided for me (the link to this blog doesn't work :( )

I hope to upgrade my DSL line to the 3meg down plan with static ip, so expect an actual site (ickier) around march.

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Beetle Update and more

So first off, the Beetle was put back on the road Saturday. It really moves now :) So it's back to racing people that don't know they are being raced...it's easier that way....but that mustang looked like it was trying! nutter couldn't shift as well though...fell behind muahahhahaha

I also got a call, around 8:30 this evening (yesterday i guess since it's 1:00 in the morning) from my old boss at the City of Mauldin. Apparently they had some guy come in and hook up some stuff, and one of the stuffs was a wifi print server/router for the City Administrator...and something happened and now it wasn't working anymore. So he called me into to put the printer back on the network and put an HP deskjet with wifi built in on the network for that computer.

Turned out to be easy enough :) Got to hang out at city hall, eat up some snack cakes that they have bursting out of the cupboard :) and visit all my "babies" that i built and tended to during my stay there. The server i built was sitting off to the side, with a brand new HP proliant with XEON in it sitting in the "server spot" :( The computer room that i spent my 6 month stay cleaning up and stocking was more or less a closet again. The kiosk didn't work at all as far as internet. There were wireless routers everywhere (my original layout was linksys G access points) now it was a mixture of linksys (which suck) and Dlink's thrown wherever they felt they should put one. They also had like 3 or 4 different print servers just lieing around, most obviously bought becuase of the problem with the city admin office.

In the end it was a fun 2 hours and some much needed pocket money :)

Monday, February 14, 2005


It's a beautiful thing when Linux puts a sour look on a Windows Advocate. It just warms you to the soul, doesn't matter who it is.

This morning, while restoring a client computer to original state, i had to copy over his data. Well, his My Documents folder was completly locked and even the admin account on the computer couldn't get to the files. So I stuck my little Gnoppix CD that i'd downloaded and never tried into the drive and restarted it. It booted up and was really fast. It mounted the SATA drive, i gained access to the My Documents folder in question. Then i clicked computer at the top of the screen and "Network", and "windows network" in that, and it found the 2 workgroups and domain that were on the network here at work. At this point I called my boss in to show off Gnoppix (i didn't think it would support SATA or find the windows network that easily)

He gave a "it still sucks" sort of comment at the fact that i couldn't just write it to one of the NTFS windows XP drives on the network...but i quickly had windows 98 started on my computer (under Virtual PC) and copied the data over in record time, restarted the computer back into windows, and copied the files back. He left around the Windows 98 time with that aforementioned sour sorta look of someone whose team just lost to the underdog..if you will....

Tell me Linux isn't ready to replace windows! It already makes an awesome TECH disc for PC Techs! :)

Sunday, February 13, 2005


One of the members of the church that we (my family) went to for like 7 years died the other day. So today (sunday) we went back to the church. (We changed churches a few months ago.

Preface #2:
This info to be used later in the actual story.
I had just showered yesterday. W00t! I did forget to put any deoderant on afterwards or this morning...so I still smell rather ":-/"
I'm also wearing rather dirty looking (i'm sure) pants that just haven't made it to the wash yet (they seem to be always on me and the wash is at my parent's house...along with the shower...)
The shirt is some grey thing that I personally don't like.

The Story:
So we get to church and there are two extremely pretty girls in the front row.
One has like strawberry blonde hair, tall and skinny, the other has dark brown hair, shirt, kinda chubby and very cute.

So we get to the part where everyone walks around and shakes hands with everyone "Good Morning" and such. Mostly it was just members that i'd known for the past 6 years saying "we missed you come back".

(apparently mom had asked the two girls questions on the topic which led what happens next)

Then i find myself being pushed and pulled by my Mom to the two girls and she's saying "THEIR SINGLE! THEIR IN COLLEGE!!! GO SAY HELLO!"

Obviously I had to pull away and run back to the back of the sanctuary....what else do you do!!

So then she goes back up to the front of the room, takes the tall girl by her hand and leads them both back to me and is telling the short one something about "he's shy"

So we talked like 30 seconds...They go to a local christian college, freshmen, the tall one plays the piano (was filling in for the regular piano player the past few weeks) Of course i don't go to school...trying to make it on a tech job...so any quick conversation chances were lost and they were interupted by someone else saying "good morning good to see you"

The cool thing is that i wasn't all nervous and heart racing like some times before. I just didn't have a thing to say...basically you can't win....

Figured it'd be worth blogging, even if to show how pitiful it all is! :( The title of course refers the traumatic experiance of dear mother :) :)

Wednesday, February 09, 2005


Yesterday, I came home around 2:30 for lunch and to feed the animals. When i went to pull that monstrosity of a truck (dad's, borrowing) in to the driveway, I noticed a van parked on the steet that was practically right in the way (opposite side though) of my driveway. OKay, fast forward a bit...I'm in the truck and backing out...at this point i have forgotten about the van....and throw the truck out of the driveway like normal, barely glancing in the mirrors (like a pure idiot!) and jut making sure no cars are coming. Inevitably...i hit the van...the corner of the bumper to be exact. So I fly outta there not knowing what to think...Hit "n" Run at this point...

]insert WTF is gonna happen now thoughts here]

Okay, so we now fast forward to yesterday evening,around 7:00...

[knock on door]

I answer it and there is my neighbor...

[cut to commercial break]

So he asks me if i hit his van.
I panic and lie about the *whole* thing...
He goes too look at the back of the truck some more, comes back and knocks on the door and asks if i'm sure...I keep up the lie...

So he leaves...now i'm really panicing...cuz i'm not quite sure if he believed it...all things point to me anyway...the puppy is yelping and i can't think...so i do the only thing one can do in the south...I went to the Wal-Mart....:-/
(get home and go right to bed (like 8:00) can't sleep (finally fall asleep at 10:00)
Next morning i wake up at 7:00 and am gone by 8:00, stop in twice to feed the animals and stayed at work mostly.

[note that this is where the title comes into play, between the stress,guilt, and whatever i was horribly "depressed" (quotes to indicate that it's not full depression, but like..close..)

[fast forward to this afternoon]

Mom calls "You know we have to report that you hit that man's van"
me "we do?"
mom "yes"

[background information]
Mom drives the school bus route for the area where i live...one of the kids is the kid of the guy whose van i hit....you do the math gah!
[/background information]

So this evening we go up and knock on his door, i apoligize, we agree that he'll get estimates for the bumper and we'll go from there. The Guilt and all was washing away sometime after the earlier phone call though :)

so that's the story...

Monday, February 07, 2005


yup, i went over to check out the puppy. So i'm holding it while talking on #linuxcult...next thing i know i've got a little dog carrier, food, a box, and a puppy and i'm being pushed out the door :) (well it didn't happen exactly like that)

it's funny, i always looked at rocky as a little kitten, and now next to the puppy, he's huge! it's so weird becuase all of a sudden he looks completely different just becuase of perspective

The Cat

I went into the kitchen to get the ramen noodles (apart of a 2 course ramen noodle meal (instant lunch kind and regular kind) and there is Rocky lieing in the kitchen sink....

Then later, i was eating some ice cream, and Rocky came up so i gave him some, then i tried to give Teela some and she ran off, so Rocky ate hers too. So i go to clean up the mess from his portion on the floor and he runs over and starts slapping at my hand as if he wasn't finished yet.

In other news mom found a dachsund (sp?)/chih...nevermind, not even gonna try...crap i'm gonna sound retarded and ignorant...

err..half weiner dog/half Taco Bell dog!!! ....and now what i was going to say about him making a great chew toy for the cats isn't funny anymore becuase i blew it away with the above joke...so i'll end here.

Random Happenings

well, abhishek tells me that my blog hasn't been updated in a good while...so i checked out it out...and he was right...no new posts...i guess i'll have to do it :(

so arch is still going nice, no huge problems...just this one bout with my username that was an easy fix, the lazy way. one complaint is that pacman doesn't have *that* much in it's repos, or at least the one i pull from. I want to install it on the laptop, but the cd half is dead so i can boot cd's and i can't backup fedora yet, so it shall wait.

the time right now is 3:00AM...i'm still up becuase i went to bed at 8:00PM...and my boss called me at 10:00 pm and asked me how far i got on the computer i was supposed to finish, and i told him not far, but i would be in early tomorrow....only he woke me up..and i can't get back to sleep...so i watched The Terminal...good movie....and talked with the people of #Linuxcult (IRC)

crap, ran out of coffee, brb....

okay...oh yeah, with the installation of Arch Linux 0.7 on the 1800+ athlon, i am officially windows free for the first time..and no regrets yet....'WHERE IS MY BATTLEFIELD 1942!"......actually linux seems more functional for day to day things then windows.

I'm gonna end here...Good Morning to you all...cept those of you outside of the Eastern time zone..ya'll can just insert your typical greeting for whatever hour it is where you are when you read this...

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Survey from Exdaix Blog

1. Got a middle name?

Morris...after some Uncle...i think...

2. Gender matters, or so they tell me. What’s the deal with you?

Mind your own business!

3. What did you have for breakfast this morning?

Umm...this Tomato Parmesean thingy...you add water to it and microwave it and eat it...but it got crunchy towards the end...and it wasn't really breakfast cuz it's 12:00noon but I just got up recently so it broke my fast so...

4. So, let’s pretend that you’re in the Canadian tundra being hunted by a gigantic rabid mutant wolverine that has been infected with the G Virus. He’s GOING to find you. This is Canada, so there’s no help ANYWHERE within thousands of miles. You have THREE things. What are they?

a rubber chicken, a squirrel army (is that still one item), and excellent leadership abilities
So i wave the rubber chicken in the air to distract him, right? and then I command the squirrel army to attack!, right? and then they all chicken out! stupid squirrels :( and then I die trying to beat the wolverine thing to death with a rubber chicken (Please Note: no actual rubber chickens weree injured in the concoction of this explanation)

5. If a tree falls in the forest, and no one’s around except a mime, and it hits the mime, does the mime make a sound?

Of course not! He still has his pride! If he makes a sound he'll die knowing he wasn't mime enough!

6. Ramen noodles. Yes or no?

Yup yup yup

7. Five birds are perched on a fence. You, because you’re feeling sadistic, take out a pellet gun and cap one. How many are left, genius?

You simply assume that my awesome aiming abilities hit one of them? Well i have news for you mister! the shot hit the fence and all the birds realized they were under fire and it was all i could do to slam the window shut and they ran into cuz it was cleaned with windex and they couldn't tell it was a window (you know like in the commercial?)

8. What color is your hair?

Uber Dark Brown (it's a color! look it up in crayola)

10. What do you think of Led Zeppelin?


11. Black Sabbath?

haven't listened to it

12. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart?

OH YEAH! That and Russian Opera!

13. Kevin Smith makes brilliant films. True or False?

Who's Kevin Smith? (me googles) FALSE you trickster! He stars in good stuff though!

14. In the grand scheme of things, what three things would you say are most important to you?

family, friends, hobbies

15. YOU! Cake or death?

Cake, whatever ya got

16. Does elevator music ever remind you of the elevator?

it makes me puke (the music not the elevator)

17. 4 way tag team match. Wayne & Garth vs. Bill & Ted vs. Laurel & Hardy vs. Jay & Silent Bob. Who wins?

Wayne & Garth will go down first, cuz country sucks
Jay & Silent Bob next
then Bill & Ted, they were pretty funny....
and Laurel & Hardy Will beat the living crap out of all of them! and reign as Champion of the World Wide Comedy Fight! W00t!

18. The following quote is said by whom in what movie?

“No pleasure, no rapture, no exquisite sin greater...than central air.”


19. Got a car? If so, what kind is it?

1974 Volkswagon Type 11

20. Can I get a ride?

Sure, plenty 'a' room

21. May I be excused to go to the bathroom?


22. Alright. So you take a part-time job with The Mafia. You are the Godfather’s taste tester. By some string of events you know for a fact that the Godfather’s ravioli has been poisoned by an Irish family that controls another part of town but has been trying to move into the Godfather’s territory. Telling the Godfather that his ravioli is poisoned will arouse suspicion that you are double-crossing the Family. And only an idiot would refuse to taste the ravioli. Remember, The Mafia is like elephants. They never forget. What do you do?

really only one right answer to this question...and sadly...i have no clue what it is...
so..i...Throw the ravioli at the wall and start screaming "I HATE RAVIOLI! I HATE IT! I HATE IT! I HATE IT!" and just make a big old scene like that, could work...it has a definate chance...

23. Are you by any chance Catholic?

Well..my mom was catholic

24. Communist?

Russian Or True communism?

25. Hungry? I’ve got a can of chicken noodle soup.

I just ate

26. What do you think of George W. Bush?

(the contents of this message have been censored due to the laws that govern (anti-bush) talk in this country, now back to your regular programming)

27. Got Milk?

yeah, it's in the fridge

28. “Welcome to Rivendell, Mr. Anderson.”, says Elrond. “Unfortunately, you have come at a bad time. We are under siege by orcs from the Misty Mountains who are being led by the Nazgul. You must help us fight. Due to a shortage in armaments, you may only use one weapon. What will you have?” (Sorry kids. No automatic weapons, missile launchers, nukes, rubber chickens, or anything like that can be found in Rivendell).

You can't just mix movies like that! it's just wrong! But if you are Mr. Anderson...your don't need weapons...you are "THE ONE" you could bend their swords around and make them kill themselves

29. Tell me, citizen, are you Spartacus?

Well, to tell a family secret....my great^16 grandfather was Roman...yup yup

30. Ozzy Osborne vs. Donny Osmond. Your money’s on...


31. Who was the 16th president of the United States?

16 aye? (/me googles) oh him! cool (haha i'm not telling!)

32. Hablas tu Espanol?

asi asi :-/

33. Sprechen sie Deutche?

used to know some curse words...

34. So, what do you think of Russia?

Cool Country...dark past...great opera

35. Are you capable of punching someone in the face?

Physically and mentally. (I like this answer, gonna steal it)

36. Have you ever been in a fist fight? If so, what’s largest number of fist fights you’ve ever gotten into in one year?

I've only been in one or two, in school, nothing to "write home about" :-/

37. How would you respond to a question with no wrong answer?

No wrong answer? sweeet! those are the most fun to argue the point to the bitter end, and then argue some more, and just throw BS everywhere!

38. At an interdenominational church gathering, the building catches on fire. What denomination gets out first? Why?

gets out first? hey man this is church! Pious church goeers and such, they all help eachother out of the building....or in today's world, they beat eachother up getting to the door....

39. Which weighs more, a ton of feathers or a ton of bricks?

obviously the ton of feathers, becuase it was packaged in a tightly sealed box, while the bricks were just thrown in some cheap cardboard box and by the time it hit the ground it was empty,

40. What is the atomic number of Lithium?

isn't that the stuff that's used for money in star trek and carried around in gold bricks?

41. Hey! Whassup room? A/S/L?

/kick AOL'er

42. Okay, once and for all. Who is the biggest badass, King Kong or Godzilla?


43. Do you believe in miracles?


44. Your opinion please. Film, wonderful art form that it is, is still only the bastard child of Theatre. Yes or no? Why?

hmm, probably....cuz film is like a mad attempt to make as many billions as you can....and theatre is probably more about giving a great show each time then making a crapload of money

45. Idaho. Youdaho?

That was retarded in school and it's still retarded...DIE

46. Do you think Smurfs would taste good, or would you just use them to make blue paint?

NO! you take your grubby hands off the Smurfs! that was a good show!

47. If natural selection really works, why do you think Carrot Top is still around?

are you kidding? with hair like that!

48. Say something nice about the person who sent this to you.
(well, i read it in his blog)

hmm..Exdaix..something nice...he's a cool nut, and still goofy, and draws some really nice things :)

49. Say something nice about anyone besides the person who sent this to you. Anyone at all!

well, my parent's are really great for all that they help me out with

50. What is the air speed velocity of an unladen swallow?
I'm pretty sure i failed that class