
Sunday, February 13, 2005


One of the members of the church that we (my family) went to for like 7 years died the other day. So today (sunday) we went back to the church. (We changed churches a few months ago.

Preface #2:
This info to be used later in the actual story.
I had just showered yesterday. W00t! I did forget to put any deoderant on afterwards or this morning...so I still smell rather ":-/"
I'm also wearing rather dirty looking (i'm sure) pants that just haven't made it to the wash yet (they seem to be always on me and the wash is at my parent's house...along with the shower...)
The shirt is some grey thing that I personally don't like.

The Story:
So we get to church and there are two extremely pretty girls in the front row.
One has like strawberry blonde hair, tall and skinny, the other has dark brown hair, shirt, kinda chubby and very cute.

So we get to the part where everyone walks around and shakes hands with everyone "Good Morning" and such. Mostly it was just members that i'd known for the past 6 years saying "we missed you come back".

(apparently mom had asked the two girls questions on the topic which led what happens next)

Then i find myself being pushed and pulled by my Mom to the two girls and she's saying "THEIR SINGLE! THEIR IN COLLEGE!!! GO SAY HELLO!"

Obviously I had to pull away and run back to the back of the sanctuary....what else do you do!!

So then she goes back up to the front of the room, takes the tall girl by her hand and leads them both back to me and is telling the short one something about "he's shy"

So we talked like 30 seconds...They go to a local christian college, freshmen, the tall one plays the piano (was filling in for the regular piano player the past few weeks) Of course i don't go to school...trying to make it on a tech job...so any quick conversation chances were lost and they were interupted by someone else saying "good morning good to see you"

The cool thing is that i wasn't all nervous and heart racing like some times before. I just didn't have a thing to say...basically you can't win....

Figured it'd be worth blogging, even if to show how pitiful it all is! :( The title of course refers the traumatic experiance of dear mother :) :)


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