
Monday, December 01, 2008


I was just reminded of this blog again so I figured I'd update it. :-D

Since July, from what I can remember...I took a class for my Concealed Weapons Permit. I'd been going to the local shooting range a lot with my dad and brother and then two friends and I decided to take the class.

Around the end of August I bought a 2007 Ford F-150 XL (5speed, V6, long bed) because I was sick of paying for gas for the LTD. The truck was cheap and it's been great. It _does_ kinda remind me of a VW story I read once. They were restoring a beetle and came across a microbus for a good price so they bought it as a "parts runner" for the beetle project. Then they spent twelve months restoring the bus and didn't touch the beetle. I figure I'll have the truck outfitted pretty soon though ;) (then it's back to the bus and bug!)

A year ago, almost, I posted the specs for the new computer I built.
I did end up going 1333Mhz bus that spring with an E8400 Core 2 Duo (it's fast), and an Asus board
Later that summer I picked up an Nvidia 8600 GT 256MB (with Zalman Heatsink/fan stock :) ) so that I could give back the borrowed card
Last week I picked up a 22" Hanns-G LCD because of the PRE-BF sale, $150 and free shipping

Thanksgiving was great...Family came down from New York and we had a lot of fun.

That's all I guess..sucky update ftw :)