Yesterday I was flying down a H14 in Greer and this Cadillac with old people in it pulled out across one lane into mine where they preceded to do the speed limit…or something along those lines, I had to come out into the lane width median and go around them (that or slow down a lot, not nearly as dramatic)
That was on the way to my parent’s house, there my mom, dad, and neighbor and I went to the Corn Festival (they decided to hold it in Greer this year) It was okay…the girl at the homemade ice cream trailer was really cute (good ice cream too!) Not much to really say, the show band that was there rather sucked…REPITITION SUCKS!!!
Diablo II Battlechest also came in yesterday (mom bought it for me so I’d stop playing it on my brother’s computer) So that took up a bit of the night.
I went out to CompUSA this morning after breakfast to get an Apple Keyboard (that’s the name, I looked under it and checked…it’s also a female) The new white ones that are really nice to type on, them… So on the way, in the Beetle, a line of us cars get stuck behind this really slow dump truck, I’m about the fourth one back. The minute we had a nice median/turn lane, I passed the whole lot of them….from my legs to my hair I had this tingly nervous feeling after that…it was cool! Back at CompUSA though, I also tried out the ibook’s keyboard, and decided that if it came to it, the keyboard was at least useable.
Back at home, about 1:30, my mom IM’s me and tells me to pick up Daniel (aforementioned brother) and bring him to work and she’ll meet me at the Salvation Army around 2:00. So after dropping him off I go out to the Salvation Army and look around, mom wasn’t there yet. Managed to knock over a keyboard or two from the wagon of them (stupid stockers!) Of course there were no decently priced computer parts of interest there, most of the thrift shops around here are starting to suck about that. At one point a really cute girl in black clothes started rummaging through the computer parts (!!!!!!!!) So I made my way back over there, try to act like I was looking at the computers (which I failed at having seen most of these computers and parts for months now because no one wants to spend $149.95 on a 486) Here I managed to knock over another keyboard, making a nice loud noise…she walked to the other side of the store…and soon after left…(☹)
Oh, and my boss went on a week vacation to Indiana, so I’m like acting CEO and crap…which basically means that that lovely 7:00AM phone call of “Good Morning! Guess what!?! My computer won’t boot, and right before it did, outlook crashed and wouldn’t open and smoke started pouring out from the that bad? Anyway I need it working by 9:00AM, KTHX bye!” o.O