
Thursday, February 16, 2006

Online Dating

After doing a micro-rant on #linuxcult and an out loud rant through my house to myself, I still feel the need to blog this.

Your average online dating website has a profile, somehow they get you to fill it out, some take you through a questionaire, some just straight out ask you questions and you fill in the blank. The problem is that you have to be truthful about yourself, something impossible to do because of a built-bias for or against yourself that you can't entirely get away from, and then the person whose profile you are reading has to have been truthful about him or herself as well, which is of course impossible as previously mentioned.

Then you have the questions in general, a true or false, or yes or no answer can't convey your personal feelings about some of the questions they put into that form. So sure, you and the match might have said "yes" to a bunch of the same general questions, but you may have had very different motives for saying yes.

Interests. I tried out, what was it...match.com maybe, with the "test" you take to get the profile. Most of the matches that came back, one of the major factors was a shared interest in "computers". For her, "computers" might be "i luv 2 AOL", or "i like to chat with friends and download music". So now, this matching computer just matched an AOL user up with someone that hates AOL, hates Windows, hates the intel based x86 hardware architecture even! Who has rooms full of computers, the makings of a server rack that could power a small business, and a big interest in hardware and electronics (the kind with little components, not the gadget kind)

I know that all that information will come out within a few conversations and is probably trivial in the grand scheme of online dating...but I still felt like getting posting it...so quit complaining and leave a comment....


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