
Sunday, December 25, 2005

Christmas Day in NC

I can't imagine what road trips must have been like years ago before electronics. Imagine have to sit in the car and pick out different license plates and look at the scenery....trees....trees...town....trees....river... Okay so I remember those days too....Every road trip we took when I was young was like that. But this weekend we are driving up to Rockingham, NC to see our relatives for the Christmas holiday. It's a four hour drive from Greenville, SC where we live. There are three laptops packed into the car, three digital cameras, one Sony PSP, and at least two cell phones...I think one or two of us forgot one. I listened to music on the old Gateway Pentium laptop until the battery died (about 2 hours). Popped out the disc, pulled out the Hewlett Packard Celeron from work, popped in the disc, started it up, and was back to the music. Daniel played the PSP for the first two hours and it's been quiet most of the trip...except for that part in Charolotte where i pulled out the headphone plug and we all listened to some bluegrass and selected other music. I realize that for the most part, we are missing the scenery and the car plates from other parts of the country, but part of me is saying that I've seen so many small towns, trees, and car plates that it's rather old by now. Those trips usually wind up in people poking other people and getting bored as well. Where as on this technology ridden trip I am able to share the music connection with daniel and type up this blog post, glancing out the window every now and then to check the scenery.

So here I am in the hotel at rockingham. There is one wireless network nearby but it's encrypted. I just figured out that the old phones are on a phone system and you have to dial 9. Now if only I had remembered to get an access number to bellsouth from this area. So I called a friend back home, he went on bellsouth's site and got the number. So here I am, connected at 31.2Kbps....and of all things...posting a blog post :-/ Technology! pfft...


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