This post is brought to you by the numbers 4 and 2, the letters N and Z, and recently DSL enlightened Kiwi known as Abhishek. Who has forced me to make another post becuase he has no life! and expects my blog to keep him occupied! Well sorry! my life isn't *that* interesting! you were lucky to get the few minutes of enjoyment that you got! Moving on :-D
OK, the title :) It's supposed to Ice here (South Carolina) tomorrow. The first ice storm we have had this year. In fact, we had June weather about 3 or 4 weeks ago. We are supposed to get snow mixed with sleet in the morning, freezing rain mixed with sleet F and snow in the afternoon. 1 to 3 inches of snow. "Damaging ice accumlation likely" Freezing rain in the evening, freezing rain mixed with...err...rain after midnight
Somehow that started to sound like know Bloody Mary, Screwdriver.....Frozen Penguin? "Mix sleet, snow, freezing rain and rain, shaken..not stirred"
the radar map shows snow, ice and rain all around me almost...
Interesting fact about down here (not sure if other places do it, I would guess your average southern areas would. But the country folk (i'm being nice) hop in their trucks on icy days and put it in 4x4 and go romping down the road...needless to say...the cops are pulling them out of ditches and trees all day.
OOH! and my website is getting closer to being finished. I finally got samba to work on the laptop and i transferred my site stuff over here so i could continue working on it. still need static and need to get the server going, so no site any time soon :-/
And i'm spent, good night all.
OK, the title :) It's supposed to Ice here (South Carolina) tomorrow. The first ice storm we have had this year. In fact, we had June weather about 3 or 4 weeks ago. We are supposed to get snow mixed with sleet in the morning, freezing rain mixed with sleet F and snow in the afternoon. 1 to 3 inches of snow. "Damaging ice accumlation likely" Freezing rain in the evening, freezing rain mixed with...err...rain after midnight
Somehow that started to sound like know Bloody Mary, Screwdriver.....Frozen Penguin? "Mix sleet, snow, freezing rain and rain, shaken..not stirred"
the radar map shows snow, ice and rain all around me almost...
Interesting fact about down here (not sure if other places do it, I would guess your average southern areas would. But the country folk (i'm being nice) hop in their trucks on icy days and put it in 4x4 and go romping down the road...needless to say...the cops are pulling them out of ditches and trees all day.
OOH! and my website is getting closer to being finished. I finally got samba to work on the laptop and i transferred my site stuff over here so i could continue working on it. still need static and need to get the server going, so no site any time soon :-/
And i'm spent, good night all.
It *is* tomorrow!
Fadumpt, at 1/29/2005 2:01 AM
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