
Thursday, March 31, 2005

FW: If you don't send this to 10 others and me, you'll die

This post brought to you by: annoying emails, AOL, and viewers like you. :)

Okay, so I'm going through my email just now and there are a bunch of FW:'s. You know the kind, some dumb poem or "interesting fact" that some dolt with way too much time on their hands came up with while sitting through hours of boredom reading emails that start with FW:, they aren't worth reading...some Joke ones *are* halfway decent the first time around....3 years later...it starts to lose it's humour. Then at the end you are greeted with one of two things. Either "Send this to 5 people, something okay will happen, 10 people something cool will happen, 20 people, your life will be great!!" or "Don't tell me you don't have the time to send this 10 people" and a nice bit of Jewish Guilt on why you should take the time to send it for the good of whatever cause is being talked about in the Email. Then they all want it back. Do they not know that just becuase they sent it on doesn't mean it's not still in their inbox??? Like anyone wants their inbox filled with FW:'s, spam (redundancy alert), and RE:FW:. Now, me personally, i maybe have 15 email friends at the most, and i know for sure that 99.9% of them will most likely *not* want to recieve one of these. So what is a poor guy to do!!! I obviously *have* to send this on to a crap load of people only no one i know will want it and I don't want to fill up the sender's inbox with crap either (do unto others thing..right?) I guess i'll just have to keep taking all the bad luck and Guilt that these FW's keep putting out and suffer for the greater good of mankind. I refer to AOL above becuase i believe this all started with AOL and it's users and we all know that AOL is the company that will bring the world down to the pits of stupidty if we let it.

OH yeah, and forward this on to 10 people or you will die a horrible death tomorrow...or maybe the next day...maybe even in a few years...who knows....but it will happen! and you'll never fall in love, never get rich, and life will always suck!! But wait!! if you send this to 20 people, a penguin and a squirrel will come onto your screen and do the polka! THIS REALLY WORKS!!!! and i want this back.


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